How Horst Schulze Used Purpose to Build The World’s Best Hotel Brands (And Why Your Leadership Depends on It)

Horst Schulze didn’t become the most legendary hotelier in the world by accident — he did it by creating world-renowned brands by leading with purpose, showing that vision is the cornerstone of lasting success.

During a recent visit with him in Atlanta, I was struck by his insights on purposeful leadership, and I’m excited to share them with you. They inspired me, and I believe they’ll do the same for you.

As the founder of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and Capella Hotels and Resorts, Schulze’s leadership approach offers profound lessons for any leader looking to inspire greatness. His insights highlight how intent, purpose, and bold dreams can shape not only your organization but your legacy.

Intent Matters in Leadership

First is always the intent. What’s your vision?

Schulze poses this critical question to every leader. Purpose, according to Schulze, is the driving force behind meaningful action. He believes too many people go to work without purpose, and this leads to mediocrity.

“If my intent is to go from Atlanta to New York, I’ll get there eventually despite whatever obstacle might come up,” he explains. “But if I’m just driving without intent, who knows where I’ll end up?” In other words, leaders without a clear purpose are setting themselves and their organizations adrift.

At The Ritz-Carlton and Capella Hotels, Schulze’s purpose was simple yet powerful: to create the finest hotel company in the world. Every decision he made was aligned with that vision.

The Moral Obligation of Leading with Purpose

Leadership, for Schulze, goes beyond professional ambition—it carries a moral responsibility. He insists that leaders must continuously evaluate their intent.

Is my intent of value for all concerned?

This self-questioning is critical for ensuring decisions are not just profit-driven but benefit all stakeholders: investors, employees, customers, and society at large.

Schulze’s leadership ethos demands that leaders take action only when their intent serves the greater good.

“Once the answer is yes in all areas, you as the leader have no more choice—you have to do it,” he states. This sense of duty underlines his belief that leadership must be grounded in moral clarity.

How Bold Dreams Create Compelling Visions

Dreaming is at the core of Schulze’s leadership philosophy.

When he founded The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, there were no hotels under the brand—yet his dream was to create the best hotel company in the world. “It’s not what you can do, it’s what you wish to do. That is your mission,” he asserts.

Schulze encourages leaders to dream big, even when the vision seems audacious.

He recalls advising a university to aspire to be the finest in the world. When they hesitated, fearing it was too ambitious, Schulze pushed back. “How is it arrogant to want the best for your students and for all concerned?”

Leaders, according to Schulze, have an obligation to pursue excellence. A compelling vision isn’t just about satisfying stakeholders—it’s about creating something so powerful that it inspires people to join you on the journey.

Defining Excellence Through Your Work

Schulze emphasizes that every action a leader takes defines who they are.

Too often, people go to work just to “fulfill a function.” For Schulze, this is a missed opportunity. “I’m going to define myself in this place where I spent most of my conscious waking life,” he says. Leadership is more than overseeing day-to-day operations—it’s about shaping your legacy through pursuing excellence.

“What would I like to tell my grandchildren about what I have accomplished?” Schulze asks. This question should resonate with every leader. It’s a reminder that leadership is personal.

The decisions you make today are building blocks of the reputation you’ll leave behind.

Key Takeaways for Leaders:

  1. Define Your Purpose: Without a clear, compelling vision, your actions lack direction. Purpose is the anchor that keeps your leadership focused.
  2. Lead with Moral Integrity: Continuously evaluate your intent to ensure it benefits all stakeholders—your investors, employees, customers, and society. Leadership without purpose is not just ineffective, it’s immoral.
  3. Dream Big and Inspire Others: True leaders don’t settle for the ordinary. They dream boldly and inspire their teams to pursue excellence alongside them.
  4. Shape Your Legacy Through Action: Every decision you make defines who you are as a leader. Use your work as an opportunity to build a legacy of excellence.

What Purpose Drives Your Leadership?

Leadership isn’t just about achieving success; it’s about shaping a legacy that reflects your highest values. Horst Schulze’s leadership approach offers a powerful reminder: purpose drives excellence, and excellence builds enduring success.

Ask yourself: what purpose drives your leadership? What bold vision are you striving for? Dream bigger and lead with intent—your organization and your legacy depend on it.

Want more? Listen to Horst Schulze talk about this on the Hospitality Daily Podcast.
